Namecoin Explorer

Trading is a high risk activity, consult you financial advisor before making any decision. We are NOT financial advisors, and this site does not give trading advices. Namecoin is produced independently from the Tor® anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.

Namecoin was also the first solution to Zooko’s Triangle, the long-standing problem of producing a naming system that is simultaneously secure, decentralized, and human-meaningful. Mining decentralization is an active research area, and we hope that significant improvements in this area are made, as they would improve the security of both Bitcoin and Namecoin. Blockstack’s security model obfuscation how to get a cryptocurrency listed on an exchange raises serious questions about whether any future security claims by the Blockstack developers can be taken at face value. This implies that the Onename server controls the keys during the registration process, and could easily steal names while they’re being registered without serving malicious JavaScript. A quite different picture than what one might imagine from what Muneeb said to us.

The second concern is that too many potentially high-value domains have been squatted for the purpose of impersonation. This is not a problem specific to Namecoin; phishing sites exist in the DNS world too, and are frequently countered by using systems such as web-of-trust and voluntary user-bypassable third-party blacklists (e.g PhishTank). There is no reason to think that similar counters would not work in Namecoin. Information about what a 51% attacker can do in Bitcoin is described on the Bitcoin StackExchange. The primary things that adversely affect Namecoin are reversing transactions sent by the attacker and preventing transactions from gaining confirmations. There is currently no active relationship between Namecoin and OpenNIC, but some Namecoin developers (including Jeremy) continue to recommend OpenNIC to users who want a centralized naming system that isn’t run by ICANN.

In Namecoin, you create a private CA and place its public key into the blockchain; you can use that CA to issue as many certificates for your domain as you like without requiring additional blockchain transactions. Issuing certificates from your private CA (e.g. to rotate your TLS server’s keys) is gratis. However, changing the set of private CA’s (e.g. to immediately revoke old certificates before they expire) does require a blockchain transaction, which means you’ll have to pay a transaction fee. The extra storage used by your private CA’s public key also implies that renewing your domain name will incur a higher transaction fee than if you weren’t using TLS.

Assuming that proper security measures are in place by the owner, this is very difficult. However, if a user fails to keep their private keys safe, all bets are off. The standard method for attempting to steal bitcoins is to use malware; this is likely to be equally effective for stealing Namecoin names.

How easy is it for names to be stolen? What can be done if it happens?

In many cases, if you want to store data that is larger than 520 bytes, or that is updated very often, you may prefer to only store a content hash or a public key in the blockchain, along with information on where to get the full data. The full data can then be authenticated using Namecoin as a trust anchor without storing the entire data in Namecoin. Namecoin is a blockchain that acts as a decentralized alternative to the DNS and public TLS CA’s, which resists censorship, hijacking, and MITM attacks. Namecoin is a fork of Bitcoin, and therefore Namecoin (like Bitcoin) supports a wide variety of smart contract schemes, including the ability for a transaction to have an arbitrary number of outputs (thereby making multiple payments atomically).

  • It is a News Media Platform which serves its audience with accurate News and Analytical Articles.
  • Let’s Encrypt also routinely censors journalism websites for political purposes.
  • This produces incentives for Bitcoin miners to self-censor any blocks that might violate any policy introduced in the future by Bitcoin Relay Network, because routing blocks through Bitcoin Relay Network reduces orphan rates for miners.

TLS certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt will work in most TLS clients (without security warnings) without any changes from defaults. In contrast, Namecoin TLS certificates will only work (without security warnings) if Namecoin is installed. A merge-mined sidechain is a sidechain in which the data being validated from the parent chain is the parent chain’s proof of work.

The Tor Project’s Onion Services (which have a .onion top-level domain) use domains which are a public key hash. This means that their domain names are not human-meaningful, whereas Namecoin domain names are human-meaningful. Namecoin’s .bit domains can point to .onion domains, providing a human-meaningful naming layer on top of Tor Onion Services. For example, humans have trouble remembering a public key hash or recognizing a public key hash as the correct one; this is much better with meaningful names such as Namecoin names (or DNS names). Attackers can exploit this property of Onion Service names in order to trick users into visiting the incorrect website. We believe that both systems serve a useful purpose, and determining whether direct usage of Onion Service names or Namecoin naming for Onion Services is more secure for a given user requires consideration of that user’s threat model.

Introducing Namecoin’s New Intern, Robert Nganga

Merge-mined sidechains (including Namecoin and P2Pool) were the first type of sidechain, and should not be confused with other types of sidechains such as pegged sidechains (including Liquid). You can mine them alongside bitcoins or trade them, see How to get Namecoins. Make it how you want to (as a fresh namecoin how to buy bitcoins blockchain NFT) Ive included my twitter account image as it currently is, but included my Blockhead image for my NFT avatar image. (this doesn’t validate it as the earlier collection — just something for me). He may have used a different username when registering the image on EightBit.Me, however the link still works.

How do I browse a .bit domain?

Unfortunately, if all of the above security measures fail (or are not in use for a given name), and a name does get stolen, it is very difficult to recover it. Legal action might be able to fine or imprison the thief if they refuse to return the name, but this is not reliable, given that there is no guarantee that the thief how to buy rainbow currency will be identifiable, or that the thief will be in a legal jurisdiction who cares. Furthermore, since names do get sold or transferred on a regular basis, it would be difficult to prove that the name was not voluntarily transferred. While this doesn’t recover the name, it does reduce the incentive to attempt to steal names.

On December 4, 2018, a brief discussion occurred within OpenNIC about whether Namecoin should be removed. The cited reason for considering removing Namecoin was that some OpenNIC server operators had been harassed by blacklist providers and hosting providers due to some botnet activity that was accessing OpenNIC for C&C infrastructure. The alleged botnet C&C domains included some Namecoin domains, but also included some centralized OpenNIC domains, such as domains on .fur. OpenNIC criticized those blacklist providers for the harassment, saying “none of them have the courtesy to so much as send an email to to let you know that a problem was detected… they claim to be trying to protect the internet but don’t give victims a chance to fix the problems”.

Enabling all cryptocurrencies & assets to obtain full anonymity and untraceability.

There are lots of cryptocurrency projects out there that are specifically designed for such usage (e.g. Bitcoin); if you’re looking for a currency, you should use one of those projects. We do not think this would be a consensus change that would be in the public interest; thus, we have no intent to pursue such a softfork. If you have the ZeroNet software installed, you can visit ZeroNet-enabled .bit domains.

The registration fee might be made dynamic in the future, to improve economic incentives. If you are only using Namecoin to look up names (e.g. browsing .bit domains), then you do not need to encrypt or back up your wallet. In addition to block, transaction, and address details, the Namecoin block explorer displays name operations and the effect of network fees on the number of coins outstanding. Blockchain data for Litecoin (LTC), the most recently mined blocks, mempool, transactions, and addresses. The system that Blockstack ended up releasing was… trusted 3rd-party checkpoint hashes. Not remotely similar to SPV, and not something that most blockchain developers would refer to as a “lightweight node”.


For example, getting a domain name without dealing with squatters doesn’t mean much if it’s difficult for people to view your website. Once development of other areas has progressed further, we do intend to spend a larger fraction of our time on improving name pricing. However, if new developers want to get involved with proposing, prototyping, or analyzing name price systems, we would be delighted to have the assistance.